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ನೇಚರ್ಸ್ ಕ್ಲಸ್ಟರ್
What is the maintenance cost?There will be no maintenance cost for first three years fourth year onwards after the crop yield there will be maintenance charge of 3rs per sqft
What are the returns on investment periods?Returns increase year by year as trees grows to maturity level and crop production increases.
What is returns and profit ?At the end of the harvest, 70% of the net profit is paid to the investor, while the firm responsible for managing the land deducts 30% of the net profit in return for cultivation.
When invest on farmland who is the owner?The investor is the owner of the land and they have the right to dispose of it as they may wish, as stated in the title deed that is granted to the investor when they purchase the managed farmland.
What is the farmland maintenance fee?No administrative fees are imposed on investors until the first harvest
Will Natures cluster take care of the legal issues of the land?Yes. Natures cluster has a team of experts who look after all the legal aspects like land titles, transfers, etc.
What is other investment option?The investor obtains high returns on sandalwood plantation in long term investment, compared to other investments. And short term cash crops from fruit plantation.
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