ನೇಚರ್ಸ್ ಕ್ಲಸ್ಟರ್
It is a new investment plan based on the investor's ownership of an area of farming land to be managed by Nature's cluster that have experienced, well-trained cadres qualified for this type of business. This type of investment attracts elite investors who have insight into the future and can predict the trends of the investment market accurately.

What is farmland investment?

What attracts investors to invest in managed farmlands?
An investor purchases an area of farmland from a well-known agricultural investment firm, on condition that the ownership of this land be transferred directly from the firm to the investor. The investor becomes the owner of the land, and then the agricultural investment firm concludes an agreement with the investor in which it undertakes to manage the investor’s land for renewable terms of 15 years, during which the firm takes all agricultural measures, starting with preparing the land for cultivation to harvesting and selling crops. Accordingly, the investor is not required to pay any costs or fees after purchasing the land, as the agricultural investment firm, after selling the crops, withholds a percentage of the profits for the service of managing the land throughout the year.
The investor is the owner of the land and they have the right to dispose of it as they may wish, as stated in the title deed that is granted to the investor when they purchase the managed farmland.
No administrative fees are imposed on investors until the first harvest.
At the end of the harvest, 70% of the net profit is paid to the investor, while the firm responsible for managing the land deducts 30% of the net profit in return for cultivation.
The investor obtains high returns on investment, compared to other investments.
All costs are paid out of the harvest income, and investors are not required to pay any additional amount.
Returns increase year by year, as trees grow to maturity and crop production increases.
The value of the land doubles after the sixth year, as trees reach full maturity.